Algoritmo per ottimizzare la spedizione di profitto con le limitazioni di massa e il costo



Il titolo non è molto utile, perché non sono sicuro di quello che sto cercando di dire esattamente. Sono sicuro che un algoritmo per questo deve esistere, ma non ricordo. Nota: non è un compito, ho finito la scuola molto tempo fa.

Così qui è il problema:

  • Stiamo facendo una spedizione di trading e di lavoro, cercando di massimizzare i profitti
  • Abbiamo un elenco di elementi che possono essere spediti in un camion. Ogni elemento ha:
    • Un prezzo acquisto (alla fonte)
    • Un prezzo di vendita (di destinazione)
    • Per unità di massa
    • Un limite su quanti possono essere acquistati
  • Il nostro camion è limitato nella quantità di massa può portare
  • Abbiamo un limite superiore a quanto noi siamo autorizzati a "investire" (spendere in origine).
  • Vogliamo massimizzare il profitto per il nostro lavoro (acquistare alla fonte, di trasporto, di vendere a destinazione).

Se ci fosse un solo limite (massa totale, totale o di investimento), sarebbe facile, ma io non sono sicuro di come affrontare questo quando ci sono due.

L'equazione per il calcolo del profitto sarebbe:

profit = ItemA['quantity'] * (ItemA['sell_price'] - ItemA['buy_price']) + ItemB['quantity'] * (ItemB['sell_price'] - ItemB['buy_price']) + ...

Così sto cercando di scegliere quali elementi, e la quantità di ogni articolo, che deve essere acquistato al fine di massimizzare il profitto.

Ci sono esistenti, noti algoritmi per la risoluzione di questo? Probabilmente una specie di ottimizzazione matematica problema? Sto usando Python, così sto pensando che il mistico pacchetto potrebbe essere appropriato, ma non sono sicuro come vorrei configurarlo.


Si può provare il quadro optuna per hyperparameter tuning.

Ecco un esempio di codice che si può provare. I prodotti sono denominati prodotto1 etc trovato nei parametri.file json. I valori dei dati sono solo ipotesi.

Studio e ottimizzazione di sessione vengono salvati in un db sqlite. Questo permetterà di interrompere e riprendere. Vedi versione di registro nel codice.

i parametri.json

    "study_name": "st5_tpe",
    "sampler": "tpe",
    "trials": 1000,
    "max_purchase": 7000,
    "min_weight_no_cost": 1000,
    "high_weight_additional_cost": 0.5,
    "trucks": {
        "smalltruck": {
            "maxmass": 1000,
            "cost": 75
        "mediumtruck": {
            "maxmass": 2000,
            "cost": 150
        "bigtruck": {
            "maxmass": 5000,
            "cost": 400
    "products": {
        "product1_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 2,
            "buyprice": 5,
            "sellprice": 8
        "product2_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 4,
            "buyprice": 6,
            "sellprice": 10
        "product3_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 1,
            "buyprice": 4,
            "sellprice": 6
        "product4_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 2,
            "buyprice": 7,
            "sellprice": 10
        "product5_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 2,
            "buyprice": 5,
            "sellprice": 8
        "product6_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 1,
            "buyprice": 5,
            "sellprice": 7
        "product7_qty": {
            "min": 20,
            "max": 100,
            "massperunit": 1,
            "buyprice": 8,
            "sellprice": 12



version 0.7.0
    * Calculate and show ROI (return of investment) and other info.
    * Add user attribute to get other costs.
    * Raise exception when max_purchase key is missing in parameters.json file.
    * Continue the study even when trucks key is missing in parameters.json file.
version 0.6.0
    * Save study/optimization session in sqlite db, with this it can now supports interrupt and resume.
      When study session is interrupted it can be resumed later using data from previous session.
    * Add study_name key in parameters.json file. Sqlite db name is based on study_name. If you
      want new study/optimization session, modify the study_name. If you are re-running the
      same study_name, it will run and continue from previous session. Example:
      study_name=st8, sqlite_dbname=mydb_st8.db
      By default study_name is example_study when you remove study_name key in parameters.json file.
    * Remove printing in console on truck info.

version 0.5.0
    * Replace kg with qty in parameters.json file.
    * Add massperunit in the product.
    * Optimize qty not mass.
    * Refactor

version 0.4.0
    * Add truck size optimization. It is contrained by the cost of using truck as well as the max kg capacity.
      The optimizer may suggest a medium instead of a big truck if profit is higher as big truck is expensive.
      profit = profit - truck_cost - other_costs
    * Modify parameters.json file, trucks key is added.

version 0.3.0
    * Read sampler, and number of trials from parameters.json file.
      User inputs can now be processed from that file.

version 0.2.0
    * Read a new parameters.json format.
    * Refactor get_parameters().

version 0.1.0
    * Add additional cost if total product weight is high.

__version__ = '0.7.0'

import json

import optuna

def get_parameters():
    Read parameters.json file to get the parameters to optimize, etc.
    fn = 'parameters.json'
    products, trucks = {}, {}

    with open(fn) as json_file:
        values = json.load(json_file)

        max_purchase = values.get('max_purchase', None)
        if max_purchase is None:
            raise Exception('Missing max_purchase, please specify max_purchase in json file, i.e "max_purchase": 1000')

        study_name = values.get('study_name', "example_study")
        sampler = values.get('sampler', "tpe")
        trials = values.get('trials', 100)
        min_weight_no_cost = values.get('min_weight_no_cost', None)
        high_weight_additional_cost = values.get('high_weight_additional_cost', None)
        products = values.get('products', None)
        trucks = values.get('trucks', None)

    return (products, trucks, sampler, trials, max_purchase, min_weight_no_cost, high_weight_additional_cost, study_name)

def objective(trial):
    Maximize profit.
    gp = get_parameters()
    (products, trucks, _, _, max_purchase,
        min_weight_no_cost, high_weight_additional_cost, _) = gp

    # Ask the optimizer the product qty to use try.
    new_param = {}    
    for k, v in products.items():
        suggested_value = trial.suggest_int(k, v['min'], v['max'])  # get suggested value from sampler
        new_param.update({k: {'suggested': suggested_value,
                               'massperunit': v['massperunit'],
                               'buyprice': v['buyprice'],
                               'sellprice': v['sellprice']}})

    # Ask the sampler which truck to use, small, medium ....
    truck_max_wt, truck_cost = None, None
    if trucks is not None:
        truck = trial.suggest_categorical("truck", list(trucks.keys()))

        # Define truck limits based on suggested truck size.
        truck_max_wt = trucks[truck]['maxmass']
        truck_cost = trucks[truck]['cost']

    # If total wt or total amount is exceeded, we return a 0 profit.
    total_wt, total_buy, profit = 0, 0, 0
    for k, v in new_param.items():
        total_wt += v['suggested'] * v['massperunit']
        total_buy += v['suggested'] * v['buyprice']
        profit += v['suggested'] * (v['sellprice'] - v['buyprice'])

    # (1) Truck mass limit
    if truck_max_wt is not None:
        if total_wt > truck_max_wt:
            return 0

    # (2) Purchase limit amount
    if max_purchase is not None:
        if total_buy > max_purchase:
            return 0

    # Cost for higher transport weight
    cost_high_weight = 0
    if min_weight_no_cost is not None and high_weight_additional_cost is not None:
        excess_weight = total_wt - min_weight_no_cost
        if excess_weight > 0:
            cost_high_weight += (total_wt - min_weight_no_cost) * high_weight_additional_cost

    # Cost for using a truck, can be small, medium etc.
    cost_truck_usage = 0
    if truck_cost is not None:
        cost_truck_usage += truck_cost

    # Total cost
    other_costs = cost_high_weight + cost_truck_usage
    trial.set_user_attr("other_costs", other_costs)

    # Adjust profit
    profit = profit - other_costs

    # Send this profit to optimizer so that it will consider this value
    # in its optimization algo and would suggest a better value next time we ask again.
    return profit

def return_of_investment(study, products):
    Returns ROI.

    ROI = Return Of Investment
    ROI = 100 * profit/costs
    product_sales, product_costs = 0, 0
    for (k, v), (k1, v1) in zip(products.items(), study.best_params.items()):
        if k == 'truck':
        assert k == k1
        product_sales += v1 * v['sellprice']
        product_costs += v1 * v['buyprice']
    other_costs = study.best_trial.user_attrs['other_costs']
    total_costs = product_costs + other_costs

    calculated_profit = product_sales - total_costs
    study_profit = study.best_trial.values[0]
    assert calculated_profit == study_profit
    return_of_investment = 100 * calculated_profit/total_costs

    return return_of_investment, product_sales, product_costs, other_costs

def main():
    # Read parameters.json file for user data input.
    gp = get_parameters()
    (products, trucks, optsampler, num_trials,
        max_purchase, _, _, study_name) = gp

    # Location of sqlite db where optimization session data are saved.
    sqlite_dbname = f'sqlite:///mydb_{study_name}.db'

    # Available samplers to use:
    if optsampler.lower() == 'cmaes':
        sampler = optuna.samplers.CmaEsSampler(n_startup_trials=1, seed=100)
    elif optsampler.lower() == 'tpe':
        sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(n_startup_trials=10, multivariate=False, group=False, seed=100, n_ei_candidates=24)
        print(f'Warning, {optsampler} is not supported, we will be using tpe sampler instead.')
        optsampler = 'tpe'
        sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(n_startup_trials=10, multivariate=False, group=False, seed=100, n_ei_candidates=24)

    # Store optimization in storage and supports interrupt/resume.
    study = optuna.create_study(storage=sqlite_dbname, sampler=sampler, study_name=study_name, load_if_exists=True, direction='maximize')
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=num_trials)

    # Show summary and best parameter values to maximize profit.
    print(f'study_name: {study_name}')
    print(f'sqlite dbname: {sqlite_dbname}')
    print(f'sampler: {optsampler}')
    print(f'trials: {num_trials}')

    print(f'Max Purchase Amount: {max_purchase}')

    print('Products being optimized:')
    for k, v in products.items():
        print(f'{k}: {v}')

    if trucks is not None:
        print('Trucks being optimized:')
        for k, v in trucks.items():
            print(f'{k}: {v}')

    print('Study/Optimization results:')
    objective_name = 'profit'
    print(f'best parameter value : {study.best_params}')
    print(f'best value           : {study.best_trial.values[0]}')
    print(f'best trial           : {study.best_trial.number}')
    print(f'objective            : {objective_name}')

    # Show other info like roi, etc.
    roi, product_sales, product_costs, other_costs = return_of_investment(study, products)
    print('Other info.:')    
    print(f'Return Of Investment : {roi:0.2f}%, profit/costs')
    print(f'Product Sales        : {product_sales:0.2f}')
    print(f'Product Costs        : {product_costs:0.2f}')
    print(f'Other Costs          : {other_costs:0.2f}')
    print(f'Total Costs          : {product_costs + other_costs:0.2f}')
    print(f'Profit               : {product_sales - (product_costs + other_costs):0.2f}')
    print(f'Capital              : {max_purchase:0.2f}')
    print(f'Total Spent          : {product_costs + other_costs:0.2f} ({100*(product_costs + other_costs)/max_purchase:0.2f}% of Capital)')
    print(f'Capital Balance      : {max_purchase - product_costs - other_costs:0.2f}')

if __name__ == '__main__':


study_name: st5_tpe
sqlite dbname: sqlite:///mydb_st5_tpe.db
sampler: tpe
trials: 1000

Max Purchase Amount: 7000

Products being optimized:
product1_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 2, 'buyprice': 5, 'sellprice': 8}
product2_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 4, 'buyprice': 6, 'sellprice': 10}
product3_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 1, 'buyprice': 4, 'sellprice': 6}
product4_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 2, 'buyprice': 7, 'sellprice': 10}
product5_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 2, 'buyprice': 5, 'sellprice': 8}
product6_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 1, 'buyprice': 5, 'sellprice': 7}
product7_qty: {'min': 20, 'max': 100, 'massperunit': 1, 'buyprice': 8, 'sellprice': 12}

Trucks being optimized:
smalltruck: {'maxmass': 1000, 'cost': 75}
mediumtruck: {'maxmass': 2000, 'cost': 150}
bigtruck: {'maxmass': 5000, 'cost': 400}

Study/Optimization results:
best parameter value : {'product1_qty': 99, 'product2_qty': 96, 'product3_qty': 93, 'product4_qty': 96, 'product5_qty': 100, 'product6_qty': 100, 'product7_qty': 100, 'truck': 'mediumtruck'}
best value           : 1771.5
best trial           : 865
objective            : profit

Other info.:
Return Of Investment : 42.19%, profit/costs
Product Sales        : 5970.00
Product Costs        : 3915.00
Other Costs          : 283.50
Total Costs          : 4198.50
Profit               : 1771.50
Capital              : 7000.00
Total Spent          : 4198.50 (59.98% of Capital)
Capital Balance      : 2801.50

Se si aumenta il numero di prove, il programma potrebbe essere in grado di trovare un più redditizio valori di parametro.

2021-10-23 05:35:44

Ho fatto provare questo, ma purtroppo è stato infeasibly lento. Grazie per gli ottimi esempi di codice però.

Può essere lento, infatti, specialmente se si hanno più prodotti e vasta gamma o (max-min). Puoi dare un esempio, il numero di parametri e qty gamme. Che camion di selezione, inoltre, contribuisce a più lento di ottimizzazione. Hai provato l'altra soluzione utilizzando scipy?

Non ho provato scipy ancora, ma ho provato MIP con O-Tools (suggerito in un commento sulla mia domanda originale), ed è andato abbastanza veloce.

A destra ho provato ortools ed è davvero molto veloce. scipy è anche molto veloce.

Un'altra opzione è usare scipy. Nell'esempio riportato di seguito contiene 3 prodotti, che possono essere scalati, naturalmente. I vincoli sono l'acquisto e max camion di massa capacità.




from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Constants
sellprice = [8, 7, 10]
buyprice = [6, 5, 6]
mass_per_unit = [1, 2, 3]

purchase_limit = 100
truck_mass_limit = 70

def objective(x):
    objective, return value as negative to maximize.
    x: quantity
    profit = 0
    for (v, s, b) in zip(x, sellprice, buyprice):
        profit += v * (s - b)

    return -profit

def purchase_cons(x):
    Used for constrain
    x: quantity
    purchases = 0
    for (v, b) in zip(x, buyprice):
        purchases += v * b
    return purchase_limit - purchases  # not negative

def mass_cons(x):
    Used for constrain
    mass = qty * mass/qty
    x: quantity
    mass = 0
    for (v, m) in zip(x, mass_per_unit):
        mass += v * m
    return truck_mass_limit - mass  # not negative

def profit_cons(x):
    Used for constrain
    x: quantity
    profit = 0
    for (v, s, b) in zip(x, sellprice, buyprice):
        profit += v * (s - b)

    return profit  # not negative

def main():
    # Define constrained. Note: ineq=non-negative, eq=zero
    cons = (
        {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': purchase_cons},
        {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': mass_cons},
        {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': profit_cons}

    # Bounds of product quantity, (min,max)
    bound = ((0, 50), (0, 20), (0, 30))

    # Initial values
    init_values = (0, 0, 0)

    # Start minimizing
    # SLSQP = Sequential Least Squares Programming
    res = minimize(objective, init_values, method='SLSQP', bounds=bound, constraints=cons)

    # Show summary
    print('Results summary:')
    print(f'optimization message: {res.message}')
    print(f'sucess status: {res.success}')
    print(f'profit: {}')
    print(f'best param values: {[round(v, 5) for v in res.x]}')

    # Verify results
    print('Verify purchase and mass limits:')

    # (1) purchases
    total_purchases = 0
    for (qty, b) in zip(res.x, buyprice):
        total_purchases += qty * b
    print(f'actual total_purchases: {total_purchases:0.0f}, purchase_limit: {purchase_limit}')

    # (2) mass
    total_mass = 0    
    for (qty, m) in zip(res.x, mass_per_unit):
        total_mass += qty * m
    print(f'actual total_mass: {total_mass:0.0f}, truck_mass_limit: {truck_mass_limit}')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Results summary:
optimization message: Optimization terminated successfully
sucess status: True
profit: 66.67
best param values: [0.0, 0.0, 16.66667]

Verify purchase and mass limits:
actual total_purchases: 100, purchase_limit: 100
actual total_mass: 50, truck_mass_limit: 70
2021-10-21 07:50:38

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